В Великий четверг Страстной Седмицы митрополит Александр совершил чин умовения ног
Глава Митрополичьего округа и архиепископ католической столичной архиепархии Томаш Пэта обсудили работу Совета традиционных христианских конфессий Казахстана
В неделю Всех русских святых митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Успенском кафедральном соборе Астаны
С праздником Рождества православных верующих поздравил председатель Духовного управления мусульман Казахстана
Митрополит Александр поздравил духовника Богородице-Рождественского монастыря Караганды архимандрита Петра (Горошко) с днем небесного покровителя

January 3, 2025, is the day of remembrance of Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, the miracle worker, and the name day of the confessor of the Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery in the Karaganda Diocese, Archimandrite Peter (Goroshko).

The head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, cordially congratulated Father Peter on his patron saint's day and wished the pastor mercy from the Lord, strength of soul and body, many years of life, God's help in his labors for the good of the Church of Christ.

"Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the day of your patron saint - Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, the miracle worker. Christ the Chief Shepherd has granted you His special mercy: you have been honored to be a spiritual child and disciple of the Venerable Sebastian of Karaganda, “the servant of the Holy Trinity,” one of the last Optina elders, a confessor of the faith and the heavenly patron of the land of Kazakhstan. Having received from the Venerable Sebastian the lessons of strong trust in God and the traditions of true piety, you have become a spiritual father and wise mentor for a large number of Orthodox Christians and people seeking salvation, “proclaiming peace, bringing good tidings, proclaiming salvation” (Isaiah 52:7). You generously share the traditions of piety and spiritual wisdom received from the Venerable Sebastian with all who call you spiritual father and mentor, who come to you for advice and consolation. The years of your life are filled with many useful works - you had the opportunity to serve in difficult conditions of persecution of Orthodoxy, to witness and participate in the revival of faith in the mining region of Kazakhstan, to develop the work of Christ's evangelism in the Karaganda land. With your wise word, fervent prayer and the example of your life, you kindle the saving fire of Christ's faith in the souls of people, you labor with zeal, enlightening monastics and laity with the knowledge of the glory of God (2 Cor. 4:6). Your works have been noted by many signs of church attention, including you were awarded the highest award by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill - the right to wear a second pectoral cross. On this special day for you, I prayerfully wish you God's mercy, good health and peace of mind. Many and blessed years to you!