На месте подвигов новомучениц Акмолинских митрополит Александр совершил Божественную Литургию
В праздник благоверных князей Петра и Февронии Муромских митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Воскресенском кафедральном соборе города Кокшетау
Празднование Богоявления в Астане. В крещенских купаниях в казахстанской столице приняли участие более 15 000 человек
Митрополит Александр поздравил Президента Республики Казахстан К.-Ж.К. Токаева с Днем единства народа Казахстана
A funeral service for those killed due to a landslide in Almaty took place in St. Nicholas Cathedral

February 9, 2024. Alma-Ata. With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, a funeral service for those killed due to a landslide in the Medeu district of the southern capital took place in St. Nicholas Cathedral. The tragedy, which claimed the lives of four people, occurred on the night of February 8.

The funeral service was performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Metropolitan District Department for Cooperation with the Cossacks, Priest Evgeny Kozlov, co-served by Hierodeacon Afanasy (Kozel).

Relatives of the deceased and representatives of the Cossacks prayed in the temple.

Before the funeral service, Father Eugene said words of condolences and called on all those present to fervently pray for the newly departed.

After the prayer of permission, accompanied by the singing of the stichera “Come, brethren, let us give the last kiss to the dead...”, the clergy and laity said goodbye to the departed.

The funeral service ended with the proclamation of “Eternal Memory.”

On February 10, a civil memorial service was held at the Koktem sanatorium, in which Bishop Veniamin of Talgar, dean of the parishes of the southern capital, rector of St. Nicholas Cathedral, mitered Archpriest Valery Zakharov, took part; Priest Evgeny Kozlov, representatives of the Cossacks led by Ataman V.S. Shikhotov, relatives of the victims.

At the funeral ceremony, Bishop Benjamin announced the condolences of the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, in which the Primate noted: “From the Holy Gospel we know that our Lord Jesus Christ conquered death, making it for man only a dream, a dormition; it turned into a temporary separation, after which the day will come for all believers when God will wipe every tear from their eyes, there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain (Revelation of the Apostle John the Theologian, chapter 21, verse 4). The loss of relatives and loved ones is great and irreplaceable, but our grief for the deceased should not develop into a sad state of mind. It is at such moments in life, when we have to endure difficult trials, that with all our souls we need to open up to God and through communication with Him find help and consolation. Sharing with you the pain of the great loss that has befallen you, I offer fervent prayers for the repose of the souls of the departed. May the Creator give you the necessary strength and spiritual strength to endure this tragedy.”

The deceased were buried in the Batys cemetery.