Празднование памяти преподобного Силуана Афонского
Служение викариев Астанайской епархии в неделю 18-ю по Пятидесятнице
27 сентября 2019 года – 30-летие архипастырской хиротонии митрополита Астанайского и Казахстанского Александра
Воспитанник спортивного клуба «Невский» завоевал золотую медаль на открытом чемпионате по вольной борьбе
A meeting took place between the Head of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District and the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus P.V. Utyupin

February 28, 2024. Astana. At the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus, a meeting was held between Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus Pavel Vladimirovich Utyupin.

The meeting was attended by the dean of the Astana church district, Archimandrite Sergius (Karamyshev) and members of the diplomatic mission.

After exchanging greetings, Metropolitan Alexander told Pavel Vladimirovich about the main events in the life of the Metropolitan District that opened the year 2024 - the meeting of the Synod of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, spiritual celebrations in Alma-Ata on the occasion of the memory of the martyr Agathia of Panorma - the heavenly intercessor from earthquakes and natural disasters, the celebration in the Kazakh dioceses of the Day of Orthodox Youth, which united a large number of young people.

The archpastor shared his impressions of the meeting with a representative of the leadership of the international charitable foundation “Kirche in Not” P.V. Gumenyuk, during which the possibility of bringing a copy of the world-famous Christian relic to Kazakhstan was discussed, the Shroud of Turin.

P.V. Utyupin informed the Metropolitan about the holding of elections of deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly and local councils in Belarus, which took place on February 25. According to the ambassador, the current election campaign is the largest in the entire history of the independent Republic. 13 people from Kazakhstan participated in the election observation missions. The head of the diplomatic mission noted the effective work of Kazakhstani representatives from the Mazhilis and the Senate of Parliament, the Presidential Administration and the Central Election Commission among international observers at the past elections.

Another topic of conversation was the meeting of Pavel Vladimirovich with the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.S. Saparov, at which topical issues of Belarusian-Kazakh cooperation in the agricultural sector were discussed, including the progress of the implementation of a joint large-scale project - the production of agricultural machinery.

In the context of discussing state policy in the field of dialogue with representatives of traditional religions, the significance of the peacekeeping activities of the country’s two leading faiths – Islam of the Hanafi madhhab and Orthodox Christianity – was discussed.

At the end of the conversation, which took place in a good atmosphere, the parties exchanged wishes for success in good deeds and endeavors.