Глава Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа ознакомился с ходом отделочных работ в Троице-Севастиановском соборе Караганды
Состоялась встреча митрополита Александра с руководством итальянского города Монополи
Праздник Введения во храм Пресвятой Богородицы. Митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Софийском соборе Иверско-Серафимовского монастыря Южной столицы
В канун дня памяти новомучеников Казахстанских Глава Митрополичьего округа совершил всенощное бдение в Благовещенском соборе Павлодара
A delegation from the Kingdom of Thailand visited the Ascension Cathedral

February 24, 2024. Alma-Ata. The Ascension Cathedral was visited by a delegation of government officials from the Kingdom of Thailand, who are in the southern capital on an official visit.

Among the guests: Minister of Tourism and Sports of Thailand Sudavan Vansuphakichkosol, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Jakkapong Sungmani, Ambassador of Thailand to the Republic of Kazakhstan Chatchawan Sakornsin, Deputy Head of the Diplomatic Mission of Thailand in the Republic of Kazakhstan Oratai Phubunlap.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, the delegation was met by the cathedral’s sacristan, head of the Metropolitan District’s public relations department, Archpriest Alexander Suvorov.

The priest told the guests about the history of the construction of the Ascension Cathedral, which is the historical and cultural pearl of Semirechye, the uniqueness of the architecture and modern life of the main temple of the southern capital. During the excursion, the sacristan father dwelt in detail on the details of the large-scale professional restoration of the cathedral, carried out in 2017-2020. It was noted that all work was carried out under the control of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic and UNESCO, with the involvement of professional specialists of the highest level from Kazakhstan, Russia, Serbia, Italy, Germany and France.

Archpriest Alexander emphasized that the President of Kazakhstan K.-Zh.K. Tokayev, who visited the cathedral in 2019, after getting acquainted with the results of the restoration, highly appreciated the unique work done and called the implemented project “the second birth of the national shrine of Kazakhstan.”

Members of the delegation highly appreciated the restoration work done and noted the elegance and grandeur of the external appearance of the temple, as well as the beauty of the interiors, decorated with paintings made by talented Palekh isographers under the leadership of member of the Union of Artists of Russia V.K. Kurilova.

In memory of their visit to the Ascension Cathedral, on behalf of Metropolitan Alexander, the guests were presented with publications telling about the history of the temple.