Народный художник России С.А. Щербаков представил митрополиту Александру полномасштабный скульптурный проект памятника князю Александру Невскому для Александро-Невского собора Алма-Аты
День памяти священномученика Пимена, епископа Верненского, и празднование в честь Собора новомучеников и исповедников Алма-Атинских
С праздником Рождества Христова и наступлением 2020 года православных верующих Казахстана поздравил Верховный муфтий страны
Поздравление Главы Среднеазиатского Митрополичьего округа с великим освящением Вознесенского кафедрального собора Алма-Аты
A student of the Almaty Theological Seminary took part in the XVI student scientific and theological conference of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy

On May 16-17, 2024, the XVI student scientific and theological conference was held at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

Before the start of the forum, Archpriest Konstantin Kostromin, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Candidate of Theology, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Theological Work, Associate Professor of the Department of Church History of St. Petersburg, read out a greeting from the rector of the Academy, Bishop Silouan of Peterhof. Next, a plenary session took place, at which 6 speakers spoke.

After a short break, the work of the first day of the conference was continued by sectional sessions in the following areas: “Church History”, “Church History in Pre-Petrine Russia”, “Liturgics and Liturgical Theology”, “Religious Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Religious Studies” and “Church, Society, State and law, missionary service."

On the second day, May 17, the work of the scientific forum was held in the following thematic sections: “Theology”, “Patrology”, “Biblical Studies”, “History of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Synodal Period”, “History of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 20th Century” and “Anthropology and cultural studies."

At the “Theology” section, a third-year student of the pastoral department of the Almaty Theological Seminary, Deacon Roman Karaman, spoke, who prepared a report on the topic “Comparative analysis of the theology of marriage in the works of S.V. Troitsky and P.N. Evdokimov."

After the sections, the conference participants gathered in the assembly hall, where Archpriest Konstantin Kostromin summed up the results of the scientific forum, thanked the speakers for interesting speeches and discussions, and also expressed hope that the level of reports and the number of conference participants will grow every year.