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The secretary of the Kostanay diocese, Hieromonk Gennady (Burdyuzha), took part in a conference of representatives of religious associations of the Kostanay region

June 26, 2024. Kostanay. A round table was held in the conference hall of the akimat of the Kostanay region with the participation of leaders and representatives of local religious associations.

The initiator of the event was the Department of Religious Affairs of the Akimat of the Kostanay region.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, the secretary of the Kostanay diocese, Hieromonk Gennady (Burdyuzha), took part in the meeting.

The meeting was attended by: the chief imam of the regional mosque Tazhimbet Bakhytbek Nurgabyluly, the head of the Republican public association “Assembly of Zhastara” of the Kostanay region R. Zh. Murzagaliev, the representative of the Roman Catholic Church priest Oleg Podgoretsky, representatives of religious associations of the region.

During the meeting, current issues of interaction between the state and religious associations, strengthening traditional values and spiritual harmony in society were discussed.

Hieromonk Gennady in his speech noted the need for information work in the field of interreligious peace with young people, as well as conducting preventive conversations about respectful attitude towards religious teachings in the Internet space, in connection with the increasing frequency of negative reviews from Internet users.

At the end of the event, the organizers thanked those present for participating in the meeting and called on the leaders of religious associations to contribute to the implementation of various government projects aimed at strengthening interethnic and interfaith harmony in the country.