Поздравление министра общественного развития Республики Казахстан с Рождеством Христовым
В день памяти преподобного Амвросия Оптинского Глава Митрополичьего округа совершил Литургию в Адриано-Наталиевском храме поселка Отеген батыр
Предстоятеля Русской Православной Церкви с 75-летием поздравила министр информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан А.Г. Балаева
Поздравление министра информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан со светлым Христовым Воскресением
Bishop Vianor of Uralsk and Atyrau met with the clergy of the Assumption Cathedral in Atyrau

August 24, 2024. Atyrau. Bishop Vianor of Uralsk and Atyrau held a working meeting with the clergy of the Assumption Cathedral.

The clergy included: the key keeper - Hieromonk Bartholomew (Mostovshchikov); the clergy of the cathedral, Priest Mikhail Sokolov and Deacon Bogdan Mulikov, the accountant of the cathedral, Irina Verbakh.

The minutes of the meeting were taken by Hierodeacon Arseny (Rybalchenko), a clergyman of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael in Uralsk.

During the meeting, various aspects of pastoral work and issues of parish life in the current year were discussed.

Bishop Vianor answered the questions of the clergy.

The archpastor wished the clergy of the cathedral mercy from the Lord, tireless service to the Church of Christ, health and longevity.

A group photo was taken at the end of the meeting.