В Алма-Ате прошла акция «Собери ребенка в школу»
Город Семипалатинск встретил ковчег с мощами блаженной старицы Матроны Московской
Учащиеся воскресных школ Чимкентской епархии посетили святыни и достопримечательности столицы Казахстана
В международной конференции «Преемство монашеской традиции в современных монастырях» принял участие представитель Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа
Akim of Kostanay region K.I. Aksakalov congratulated the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan on the 35th anniversary of his archpastoral ordination

Akim of Kostanay region K.I. Aksakalov congratulated the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan Metropolitan of Astana and Kazakhstan Alexander on the 35th anniversary of his archpastoral ordination:

Dear Metropolitan Alexander!

On behalf of the residents of Kostanay region, I congratulate you on the 35th anniversary of your episcopal ordination!

Your life is a shining example of selfless service to the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan. By dedicating yourself to preaching, strengthening spiritual values and moral education, you contribute to the spiritual development of the entire Kazakh society.

I would like to especially note your contribution to the public religious life of the blessed land of Kazakhstan.

Let me express my sincere gratitude for your tireless work to preserve and strengthen peace and social harmony in our multinational country.

May your invaluable experience and profound wisdom continue to serve the people of Kazakhstan in increasing love and mercy. I wish you good health, good spirits and reliable comrades for your further high service on the spiritual path.