День памяти равноапостольных царей Константина и Елены. Глава Митрополичьего округа совершил Литургию в Адриано-Наталиевском храме поселка Отеген батыр
Поздравление митрополиту Астанайскому и Казахстанскому Александру с годовщиной архипастырской хиротонии
Алма-Ата обрела новую святыню – в Никольский собор принесена частица мощей великомученика Димитрия Солунского
Митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Иверском храме поселка Боралдай и почтил память всех в годы гонений невинно умученных и убиенных
Представители Алма-Атинской епархии приняли участие в круглом столе, посвященном проблемам межконфессионального и межкультурного взаимодействия

October 22, 2024. Almaty. An international round table on the problems of interfaith and intercultural interaction, organized by the public institution «Multi-Faith Neighbors Network», was held in the conference hall of the «BeFine» Hotel.

«Multi-Faith Neighbors Network» is a non-profit organization whose activities are aimed at strengthening and developing interreligious dialogue and creating sustainable communities without discrimination and violence.

The event was attended by leaders and representatives of Kazakhstani religious associations.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, teachers of the Almaty Theological Seminary took part in the round table: the head of the public relations department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District, the key keeper of the Ascension Cathedral, Archpriest Alexander Suvorov and the cleric of the Peter and Paul Church in the Southern capital, Priest Kirill Gromov.

During the conversation, the ethical, social and legal aspects of interaction between faiths were discussed. The participants analyzed important historical documents and modern legal norms regulating the principles of relations between religious associations and the protection of human rights.

In their speeches, Archpriest Alexander and Priest Kirill noted that compliance with legal principles is important for ensuring the harmonious coexistence of various religious communities, also emphasized the importance of the unique model of interethnic and interreligious cooperation that has formed in Kazakhstan.

The participants of the meeting agreed that further development of dialogue based on mutual respect and legal responsibility will contribute to strengthening peace and harmony in Kazakhstan society.

A group photo was taken at the end of the event, which took place in a friendly atmosphere.