В воскресный день, отмеченный памятью преподобного Амвросия Оптинского, Глава Митрополичьего округа совершил Литургию в Вознесенском соборе Алма-Аты
Митрополит Александр встретился с воспитанниками епархиального детского дома «Солнышко»
В праздник Преображения Господня митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в храме Патриаршего подворья святителя Николая Чудотворца в Бари
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Metropolitan Alexander performed a litany at the burial site of the newly deceased Abbess Raphaila (Vasilenko)

February 27, 2024. Astana. Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan performed a funeral litany at the burial site of the newly deceased Abbess Raphaila (Vasilenko), the deceased abbess of the monastery in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost.”

Together with the Head of the Metropolitan District, the following prayed: the dean of the Astana church district, Archimandrite Sergius (Karamyshev), the sacristan of the Constantine-Elenin Cathedral, Archpriest Sergius Kaliev, the sacristan of the Assumption Cathedral, Archpriest Dimitry Baidek, Priest Nikolai Koval, Deacon Mikhail Chumakov and employees of the Astanai Diocesan Administration.

Abbess Raphaila (Vasilenko) reposed in the Lord on February 4, 2024, at the age of 89. Mother was buried in the monastery necropolis, located in the city cemetery.

“Abbess Raphael lived a long life, filled with labors for the benefit of her native Orthodoxy, and reposed in the Lord on a special holiday, when the Holy Church glorifies the host of sufferers for the faith of Christ. The Lord vouchsafed her to receive saving spiritual lessons from pastors and monastics who passed through the crucible of trials during the years of hard times and did not betray the truth of the Gospel. Back in 1978, at the hands of the ever-memorable confessor of the faith, Archimandrite Kirill (Borodin), the future abbess took monastic vows. In those difficult times for the life of Orthodoxy, this was a brave, sacrificial act. Clothed in the “angelic image,” Mother Raphaila began to work with even greater zeal in her native Constantine and Helena Cathedral, fulfilling various church obediences with humility and meekness. She took part in the construction of the monastery church in honor of the Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky and the construction of the sister's building, organized repair and restoration work in the Constantine and Helena Cathedral, and prepared the necessary documents for registration of the monastic community. The deceased abbess, with gratitude to God and heartfelt joy, gave her strength, health and talents to the improvement of monastic life in the Tselinograd region.
In the monastery, Abbess Raphaila managed to create an atmosphere of Christian love and spiritual peace. The late worker did a lot to preserve monastic traditions in Kazakhstan, enhance the spiritual heritage and moral education of the younger generation. No matter what obedience the Lord called mother to, she invariably performed everything without laziness, with her characteristic zeal, heartfelt simplicity and sincerity. We often communicated with mother, discussing issues of monastic life. During conversations, she willingly shared with me her memories of Archimandrite Kirill (Borodin) and other devotees of faith and piety, and talked about the sorrowful life of the clergy and believers in the era of militant atheism.”
From the words of Metropolitan Alexander in memory of Abbess Raphaila.