С реставрационными работами в Вознесенском кафедральном соборе Алма-Аты ознакомился эксперт ЮНЕСКО
Память священномученика Никодима, архиепископа Костромского
Феодоровскому монастырю города Уральска передана новонаписанная икона Собора новомучеников и исповедников Казахстанских
В Алма-Ате прошел IX фестиваль детско-юношеского творчества «Рождественский Ангел»
Students of Sunday schools of the Alma-Ata diocese took part in the "Russian Space" quiz

On March 31, 2024, in the 2nd week of Lent, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, at the parish in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God at Chemolgan station, a quiz “Russian Space” was held, dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

The annual intellectual competition for schoolchildren “Russian Space” has been held in the Vladimir Church since 2011. The quiz contains questions on astronomy, tasks on knowledge of the constellations and planets of the solar system, the crews of the first Soviet space expeditions and also includes space-themed board games.

The participants of the event were pupils of Sunday schools of the Alma-Ata diocese.

Before the start of the quiz, the head of the Laboratory of Physics of Stars and Nebulae at the Astrophysical Institute in honor Fesenkova L.I. Shestakova gave a popular science lecture.

Then the children competed in their knowledge of the history of manned space exploration and astronomy, played board games and assembled spaceships from Lego parts.

Based on the results of the educational quiz, the “Forget-Me-Not” team from the Sunday school of the Iversky Church in the village of Boraldai was declared the winner.

The reward for the event participants were board games from the Alma-Ata Diocesan Administration, books donated by the Bible Society of Kazakhstan, as well as souvenirs and star charts donated by L. I. Shestakova.