Глава Православной Церкви Казахстана посетил парад строя и песни в городе Бор Нижегородской области
В Астане состоялась встреча митрополита Александра с послами России и Белоруссии
Хор Иверско-Серафимовского монастыря стал лауреатом I степени Патриаршего международного фестиваля духовной музыки «Свет Христов» (+ ВИДЕО)
В ходе архипастырского визита в Уральскую епархию Глава Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа посетил храмы города Уральска
Congratulations from the Head of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District on the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan

May 1, 2024 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan. The head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, congratulated the residents of the country on the holiday:

Dear people of Kazakhstan!
Congratulations on the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan!
This bright spring holiday, symbolizing the unity, friendship and solidarity of the people inhabiting our country, has become one of the most significant in sovereign Kazakhstan.
For centuries, in the vast expanses of the Great Steppe, traditions of peaceful coexistence between representatives of different ethnic groups and religions have been preserved, showing the whole world an example of interfaith peace and interethnic harmony.
In one of his addresses to the people of Kazakhstan, the President of the Republic K.-Zh.K. Tokayev noted: “National unity is our priceless wealth, the solid foundation of our statehood. The Kazakh land has become a home for representatives of different ethnic groups.”
Strengthening stability, civil peace and harmony is a priority task of the internal policy of our country and the key to its further successful development.
The Orthodox Church, which, along with traditional Islam, has made a significant contribution to the historical development and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan, continues to carry out its noble mission, contributing to the preservation and strengthening of peace and prosperity in our common home - blessed Kazakhstan.
On this festive Day, I wish you all peace, good health and success in good deeds and endeavors.

The head of the Metropolitan District sent congratulatory addresses on the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan to the President of the country Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev, members of the government, akims of cities and regions, and parliamentarians.