Поминальная суббота Великого поста. Глава Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа совершил Литургию в Иверско-Серафимовском монастыре Алма-Аты
В Южной столице состоялось открытие фотовыставки, посвященной 25-летию образования Астанайской и Алма-Атинской епархии
В казахстанской столице состоялась встреча митрополита Александра с Верховным муфтием Республики
Преставился ко Господу клирик храма Представительства Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа в Москве диакон Игорь Цыганов
An Easter Liturgy took place in Astana with the participation of pupils of the children's Sunday school of the oldest church in the Kazakhstan capital

May 7, 2024. Astana. On Tuesday of Bright Week, the day of celebration in honor of the miraculous discovery of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God on Holy Mount Athos, an Easter Liturgy was held in the Constantine and Helena Cathedral of the Kazakh capital with the participation of pupils of the children's Sunday school of the temple..

The service in the oldest church in Astana was led by the cleric of the Assumption Cathedral, Priest Nikolai Koval. Concelebrating with the pastor were: Deacon Ilya Salyakhov, Deacon Evgeniy Gudz and Deacon Ioann Yanchuk.

Those who prayed during the Liturgy were employees of the diocesan administration, pilgrims and numerous parishioners with children.

The choir of the Cathedral of Constantine and Helena sang under the direction of N.V. Mazurina.

Most of those present in the oldest church in Astana partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

After the dismissal of the Liturgy, an Easter procession around the church took place, after which the glorification of the bright Resurrection of Christ took place.

At the end of the service, Priest Nikolai Koval sprinkled the believers with holy water and addressed those gathered with a sermon.