Митрополит Александр провел рабочее совещание по вопросам реставрации Крестовоздвиженского храма Южной столицы
В неделю о расслабленном митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Вознесенском кафедральном соборе Алма-Аты
Состоялось заседание открытого исторического общества Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа
Начался визит Главы Православной Церкви Казахстана в Чимкентскую епархию
Appeal of the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the founding of the cathedral in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Kings Constantine and Helen of the city of Astana.

Your Reverence, Father Sergius!
All-honorable fathers, dear brothers and sisters!


For residents of the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana - the saving Easter days, filled with rejoicing in the Risen Christ, are illuminated with the light of pure grace. We remember a historically and spiritually significant date - the oldest temple in the Kazakh capital, the Cathedral in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Kings Constantine and Helen, celebrates 170 years since its foundation.

The cathedral, erected through the labors of our pious predecessors in the mid-nineteenth century, survived many severe trials and miraculously survived the persecution of the Holy Church. Today he testifies to the indestructibility of Orthodoxy, to the strength of spirit of pious people, he proclaims that the Risen Lord remains with those who believe in him “always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). The Church of Constantine and Helena is the architectural, historical and cultural pearl of Astana. It is dear to Orthodox Christians as the place of the dwelling of the glory of the Lord (Ps. 25:8) and is revered by the believing people as the house of God and the gates of heaven (Gen. 28:17). The cathedral, which testifies to the majestic and tragic events of the country’s history, is loved by the residents of Astana, pilgrims come here, and guests of the metropolis are interested in it.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, the Church of Constantine and Helena became the center of the spiritual life of the vast steppe region, and in times of godless persecution - a refuge and place of consolation for numerous sufferers for the faith, exiled to Kazakhstan from all regions of the country. Here, while awaiting the execution of sentences, pastors and monastics prayed and performed divine services, whose names later joined the glorious list of new martyrs and confessors. The cathedral itself can rightfully be called a martyr - people darkened by godlessness deprived it of its shrines and decorations, destroyed it, turned it into warehouses and barracks, only at the height of the Great Patriotic War, by the Providence of God, it returned to the believers.

In the 70s of the twentieth century, the ancient temple experienced its rebirth. In Tselinograd, as the city was called at that time, after liberation from exile, Archimandrite Kirill (Borodin) arrived - a confessor of the faith, the spiritual son of Kazakh ascetics and righteous people, whose names are known today both in Kazakhstan and far beyond its borders - the elder saint Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov) and the Venerable Schema-Archimandrite Sebastian (Fomin). Having become the rector of the Cathedral of Constantine and Helena, with their blessing, he, with a burning heart, set about repairing and restoring the church, which was dilapidated by that time. It was then that chapels appeared in the cathedral - in the name of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir and the Thessalonica brothers Cyril and Methodius, the enlighteners of the Slavs.

The Pochaev-Tselinograd Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary resides here. Through prayers before this image of the Queen of Heaven, miracles have been and continue to be performed - those who suffer receive healing, those who mourn receive consolation, those in troubles and straitened circumstances receive deliverance. Looking with hope at the face of the Sovereign Lady, shining with spiritual beauty, we recall the words of the great teacher of the Church, St. Gregory Palamas: “She is the glory of those on earth, the joy of those in Heaven, the adornment of all creation.” Another sign of God’s mercy to the holy temple was an event unique for the period of godless persecution - in the 70s, a convent was created at the cathedral in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost,” which is still in operation today.

Today, the Cathedral of Constantine and Helena is a significant spiritual and cultural center of Astana. People of different religions and nationalities come here to get acquainted with the oldest temple in the capital, see unique icons and revered shrines. His story is dear and instructive for the Christian soul. He was and to this day remains a source of blessed light for the capital of Kazakhstan and our entire country.

“Oh, holy temple! - exclaims the righteous shepherd John of Kronstadt, - how good and sweet it is to pray in you! For where is fiery prayer, if not within your walls, before the throne of God and before the face of Him who sits on it!” At all times, the pious Orthodox people, through the creation and beautification of churches, demonstrated their faith in the Creator and Provider, expressed love for God, and testified to their hope in the life of the future century. In church architecture, through various natural materials, thanks to the art and talents of architects and artists, insubstantial, mysterious images of the Kingdom of Heaven are embodied in reality. The walls, filled with liturgical life, according to the holy fathers and teachers of the Church, are the palace of the King of glory, Heaven on earth, a new Paradise.

A special event is timed to coincide with the celebration of the historical date - the opening at the cathedral of a newly built building of a parish Sunday school for children and youth, which will bear the name of the blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. All of us, archpastors, clergy and laity, still have a lot of work to do - to implement various projects for the moral education of the younger generation, to carry out active educational and charitable work, to preserve and bring to life the spiritual heritage of the Kazakhstan new martyrs and confessors. It is necessary that everyone who crosses the threshold of the cathedral, and above all children and youth, discover for themselves the true joy of life in Christ, acquire the true meaning of their existence, the purpose of life and the grace-filled means to achieve this goal.

Words of gratitude on this day should be addressed to the ever-memorable creators of the cathedral and the shepherds who served here; to the donors, benefactors and beautifiers of this holy temple. I wish much mercy from the Lord to all who are now asceticizing within these sacred walls, who visit and love the Cathedral of Constantine and Helena.

Let its oldest temple stand in the capital of Kazakhstan until the end of time, reminding everyone contemplating its beauty and spiritual greatness of the saving power of Orthodoxy, helping people learn the Truth and find the path to unity with God.
Let our hearts be devoted to the Lord our God, to walk in His statutes and keep His commandments (1 Kings 8:61).


Calling upon everyone the blessing of the Risen Savior,


Обращение Главы Православной Церкви Казахстана митрополита Астанайского и Казахстанского Александра по случаю 170-летия основания собора во имя святых равноапостольных царей Константина и Елены города Астаны