Митрополит Александр ознакомился с ходом возведения Владимирского храма в городе Алма-Ате
День памяти святителя Петра Московского и блаженного Прокопия Вятского. Митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Матронинском храме Алма-Аты
Служение викариев Астанайской епархии в дни празднования Богоявления
Состоялось расширенное заседание епархиального совета Петропавловской епархии
In Astana, the foundation stone of a new building of the monastery in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost” took place

June 2, 2024. Astana. On the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the founding of the cathedral in the name of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and his mother, Queen Helena, the consecration of the cross and foundation stone took place at the site of the construction of a new residential building of the convent in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Seeking the Lost.”

The rite of consecration was performed by Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan.

Together with the dean of the capital's parishes, Archimandrite Sergius (Karamyshev) and the clergy of the diocese, the abbess of the monastery in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost” of the city of Astana, nun Sevastiana (Plotnikova) with the nuns of the monastery, employees of the Astana diocesan administration, and parishioners prayed at the service.

Present at the ceremony of founding the monastery building were: Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan O.V. Perepechina, Chairman of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. Nukezhanov, Deputy Akim of the city of Astana E.B. Baiken.

In his speech addressed to those present, the Head of the Metropolitan District emphasized that the existence of the monastery is historically closely connected with the parish life of the oldest church in the capital - the Cathedral of Constantine and Helena: “Both the large-scale restoration of the temple in the 70s of the twentieth century, and the founding of the convent in that A difficult era for the existence of the Church of Christ took place thanks to the courage and sacrificial labors of the ever-memorable Archimandrite Kirill (Borodin), the spiritual disciple of two outstanding Kazakh lamps of faith - the righteous saint Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov) and the venerable confessor Sebastian of Karaganda."

“From ancient times to the present day, holy monasteries - laurels, monasteries - occupy a special place in church life. Both in ancient times and today, people paid great attention to monastic life; many have a desire to visit holy monasteries, pray and work together with monastics. Why does the human heart rush here? Because here, in prayerful silence, you can detach yourself from everyday bustle and worries. Here you can feel the presence of God's grace, which touches the human soul, which ennobles the mind, will and feelings of a person. Such a blessed place, by the grace of God, sanctifies and beautifies the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana. The main task of the monastics, led by Mother Superior, is to ensure that the spiritual life of the monastery becomes attractive to people, so that everyone who crosses the monastery threshold feels with all their hearts the love of the Mother Church and realizes how rich Christ is in light and warmth. Saint Demetrius of Rostov says: “The Lord supports this world through the prayers of monks.” The main meaning of monastic labors is to acquire sincere, active love for God and for people, strengthened and guided by the action of the grace of the Holy Spirit. He who has been awarded such a gift by the Lord is capable not only of the works of his own hands, but also of his own example, to serve for the salvation of his neighbors. Through the solitude and prayer of monastics, through their real spiritual feat, the beauty and depth of genuine Christian life is revealed to modern people. This is what monastics should do today - through their daily presence before God, through their sacrifice, humility, kindness and mercy - to show people the image of Christ,” said the Metropolitan.

After reading the statutory prayers, the archpastor sprinkled the foundation stone and the site of future construction with holy water.

Metropolitan Alexander noted that the construction of the monastery building will make it possible to intensify the educational and social services of the monastery and create additional opportunities for receiving pilgrims.

The building will be built with donations from philanthropists.