В Алма-Ате состоялось награждение победителей и призеров православных конкурсов
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В праздник Иверской иконы Божией Матери митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Синодальном храме казахстанской столицы
The laureates of the IV Lenten Choir Festival of Sunday Schools of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District were awarded

June 9, 2024. Alma-Ata. In the hall of church meetings at the St. Nicholas Cathedral of the southern capital, awards were presented to the laureates of the IV Lenten choral festival of Sunday schools of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan.

The musical forum is timed to coincide with a significant date for the Metropolitan District - the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Astana and Alma-Ata diocese on the territory of the Republic.

Organizers of the festival: Department of Culture of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District, headed by Honored Worker of Culture of Russia L.E. Goricheva; clergyman of the main church of Almaty, head of the public relations department of the Metropolitan District, Archpriest Alexander Suvorov; Archpriest Alexander Ievlev, head of the youth outreach and educational project “Upper Room of Masters”.

The award ceremony was led by Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan.

More than 200 students from 10 parish schools and churches in the city of Almaty and the region took part in the musical competition.

The jury of the choral festival is chaired by the Secretary of the Metropolitan District, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, member of the Church and Public Council under the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' for the development of Russian church singing O.N. Ovchinnikova, included: well-known performer of folk and pop songs in Kazakhstan and abroad, opera singer and teacher B.A. Tulegenova; Honored Artist of Russia Protodeacon Mikhail Spelnik; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chief Conductor of the Kazakh National Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai E.K. Akhmediarov; Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, director of the children's music choir school "Elim Ay", art director of International music festivals in Almaty, art forums in Europe L.I. Romanovskaya; Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.N. Burmistrova; Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Head of the Culture Department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District L.E. Goricheva; choirmaster of the Kazakh National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. Abay, teacher of the conducting department of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy A.M. Tubazhanova; choirmaster of the choir of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District V.V. Dudareva; choirmaster of the State Choir Chapel named after. B. Baikadamova, “Excellence in Culture” of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.B. Akhmetov; Honorary cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, teacher of the Almaty Music College named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, regent of the St. Nicholas Cathedral of the southern capital O.N. Berekesheva.

The event was attended by: Secretary of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District, member of the Patriarchal Council for the Development of Church Singing, Honored Artist of Russia O.N. Ovchinnikov; and about. the rector of the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary, Archpriest Evgeny Ivanov, members of the festival jury, members of choirs, students of Sunday schools in the southern capital, teachers and parents of students.

Before the start of the solemn act, the Head of the Metropolitan District addressed those present with words of greeting: “On the bright days of Easter, when Heaven and earth, angels and people rejoice in the Resurrection of Christ, I am glad to see all of you - participants and leaders of singing groups who took prizes in the festival of Orthodox Christians choirs of Kazakhstan, as well as the organizers of this significant and interesting event and members of the jury. Christian art always speaks of the eternal, and church music in particular. The language of Orthodox singing is understandable to everyone - young and old, intellectuals and simpletons, deeply religious people and those who are still looking for the path to God. Through singing, a person, in the simplest and most convenient way for himself, gives praise and gratitude to the Creator, asks the Lord for help and intercession. Church music touches the subtle strings of the soul and helps it purify, enlighten, and move closer to the higher spiritual spheres. Each of us is created for happiness, and the art of church music opens the way to it, guides a person to the fullness of being, to awareness of himself in this world, and teaches correct relationships with God and neighbors.”

The archpastor noted: “Orthodox singing helps people immerse themselves in prayer and learn to communicate with God. According to the words of St. Gregory of Nyssa, the music sounding under the arches of churches, “like sweet honey, delights us with the teaching of virtues, which is contained in church hymns.” It is especially gratifying that today young people are keenly interested in Orthodox musical culture - church singing is studied in parish Sunday schools, children's and youth choirs are created, which participate in liturgical life on an equal basis with adults. God grant that this aspect of spiritual enlightenment will continue to actively develop in the future. I wish you all good health, a joyful Easter mood and new creative successes.”

The winners of the IV Lenten Choral Festival of Sunday Schools of the Metropolitan District were:

In the category children's and youth choir

1st degree laureate

• senior choir of the Sunday school of the church in the name of the saint and evangelist John the Theologian (director – K.G. Uperenko);
• choir of the church singing school “Tsevnitsa” of the Sunday school at the Ascension Cathedral in Almaty (director – N.O. Golovina)

Laureate of the 2nd degree

• children's and youth choir of the Sunday school named after. Forty Sebastian Martyrs of the Holy Cross Church of the Southern Capital (head – I.A. Belitskaya);
• choir “Transfiguration” of the Sunday school of the Peter and Paul Church in Almaty (director – S.S. Ivanyuta).

Laureate III degree

• Sunday school choir in the name of the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia of the village of Otegen Batyr, Alma-Ata region (director – S.A. Redkin);
• children's choir “Merry Notes” of the Sunday school of the Church in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Alatau microdistrict (director G.V. Gulieva);
• the choir of the Central Sunday School at St. Nicholas Cathedral of the southern capital (director - V.A. Alferov);
• choir “Eleos” of the Sunday school of the church in the name of the Great Martyr Paraskeva-Friday of the city of Alma-Ata (director – E.N. Shamstudinova);
• Sunday school choir in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God of the city of Chimkent (director – R.E. Berkesheva);
• choir “Heavenly Patrol” of the Sunday school of the St. John the Theological Church in the city of Taldykorgan (director – Yu.S. Lazukina).

In the category "Adult Choir"

1st degree laureate

• Choir of the St. Sophia Cathedral of the Iversko-Seraphim Convent of the Southern Capital (director – O.B. Usoltseva);
• bishop's choir of the Karaganda and Shakhty diocese (director – V.A. Teslenko).

Laureate of the 2nd degree

• men's choir of the Alma-Ata diocese (director – Deacon Alexander Piven);
• choir of the Intercession Church of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk (director – A.V. Korol);
• combined choir of St. John the Theologian and St. Michael the Archangel Cathedrals in the city of Taldykorgan (director – Yu.S. Lazukina).

Laureate III degree

• choir of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Almaty (director – E.V. Skorova).

Members of the jury and laureates of the competition received diplomas, letters of gratitude and memorable gifts from the hands of the archpastor.

The head of the Orthodox singing school “Tsevnitsa” N. Golovina addressed the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan with words of gratitude from the awardees.

At the end of the event, Metropolitan Alexander wished the children Easter joy, health and success in their studies, after which he gave the archpastoral blessing to those present.

The festival laureates presented a concert program to the audience. The choir of the St. Sophia Cathedral of the Iversko-Seraphim Convent performed spiritual hymns on Easter themes.

At the end of the ceremony, a joint commemorative photograph was taken.