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Глава Митрополичьего округа совершил хиротесию во чтецов студентов старших курсов Алма-Атинской духовной семинарии
A solemn graduation ceremony took place at the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary

June 20, 2024. Alma-Ata. In the Throne Hall of the Spiritual and Cultural Center of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District named after Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov), a graduation ceremony was held for graduates of the Alma-Ata Orthodox Theological Seminary.

The ceremonial act was led by Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, professor of the department of church history of the theological school.

The event was attended by: vicar of the Astana diocese, Bishop of Talgar Veniamin; acting rector of the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary, Archpriest Evgeny Ivanov; Secretary of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District O.N. Ovchinnikov; clergyman of the Ascension Cathedral, head of the Metropolitan District's public relations department, Archpriest Alexander Suvorov; rector of the Church in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring” in Moscow, deputy chairman of the Patriarchal Award Commission, Archpriest Oleg Korytko; Vice-Rector for Educational Work of the Seminary, Priest John Livinsky; Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Priest Peter Bakhtiyarov; Inspector of the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary, Priest Evgeny Bessonov; head of the administrative secretariat of the Head of the Metropolitan District, Priest Georgy Sidorov; Vice-Rector for Research, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences A.P. Soloviev; Candidate of Historical Sciences (PHD) V.S. Oskolkov; the head of the office of the theological school, priest Alexander Shishlov; Head of the Department of Culture of the Metropolitan District, Head of the Regency Department of the APDS L.E. Goricheva; members of the teaching corporation and seminary students, city clergy.

Before the ceremony, the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, co-served by teachers and students of the seminary in holy orders, performed the Divine Liturgy in the St. Sophia Cathedral of the Iversko-Seraphim Convent in Almaty.

Opening the solemn event, Metropolitan Alexander addressed those gathered with greetings.

The acting rector of the Alma-Ata Seminary, Archpriest Evgeny Ivanov, thanked the Head of the Metropolitan District for his constant care of the theological school and expressed the hope that the graduates will not abandon the path of serving Christ and will devote more time to pastoral work. Father Eugene cordially congratulated the graduates on completing their studies and wished them goodness, peace and God's help in their work for the good of the Holy Church.

Then Priest John Livinsky announced the results of the defense of final qualifying works, and also spoke about the state of the educational process at the theological university.

After this, the presentation of diplomas took place. In the 2023-2024 academic year, 10 students of the pastoral department and 4 students of the regency and catechetical departments graduated from the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary.

Priest Anatoly Basalaev, Georgy Tkachenko and Elena Purtova, speaking on behalf of the graduates, expressed sincere gratitude to Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, the acting rector of the seminary, Archpriest Evgeniy Ivanov, the entire teaching corporation for the knowledge acquired and the dedication with which each teacher treated his work. In gratitude for their efforts, fatherly attention and constant care, the students presented flowers to the leadership of the theological school.

At the end of the event, students performed musical numbers for those present.

On the steps of the spiritual and cultural center of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District named after Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov), a group photo was taken to commemorate the event.