Служение епископа Талдыкорганского Нектария в день памяти равноапостольной Марии Магдалины
В канун праздника Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы Глава Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа совершил всенощное бдение в Софийском соборе Алма-Аты
В день памяти святых отцов шести Вселенских Соборов митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в главном храме Алма-Аты
Глава Православной Церкви Казахстана возглавил богослужение Преблагословенной субботы в Вознесенском соборе Алма-Аты
Metropolitan Alexander performed a prayer service to the holy blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom

July 8, 2024 is the day of remembrance of the faithful Prince Peter, in monasticism David, and Princess Fevronia, in monasticism Euphrosyne, of Murom, miracle workers - patrons of Orthodox marriage.

Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan performed a prayer service to Saints Peter and Fevronia in the house church in honor of the Theodore Icon of the Mother of God at his residence in Astana.

His Eminence was co-served by: the dean of the parishes of the capital, Archimandrite Sergius (Karamyshev) and the clergy of the Astana church district.

The special litany included petitions added with the blessing of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on the days of remembrance of the holy saints Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom: “We also pray that your people keep this commandment: let God unite, let not man separate, and be given to the household to their churches an indestructible fortress and success in unhypocritical love. We also pray for the preservation of the marriage of Your servants in peace and unanimity, piety and purity. We also pray that Your people may rejoice in the vision of sons and daughters, and that our people may multiply and Your blessing may be inherited in them from generation to generation.”

The archpastor offered prayers for the increase of love and the eradication of all hatred and malice.

“We celebrate the day of remembrance of the blessed princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - the heavenly patrons of Christian marriage. And today we offered special prayers for the increase of love in people, for the preservation of married couples in peace and unanimity, piety and purity. When thinking about how to preserve family values in our age, filled with temptations and marked by increasing selfishness, we must understand one significant fact. Just as true personal holiness is a precious and rare gift of God, so perfection of family relationships is also a gift of God. And just as personal holiness is achieved through constant spiritual struggle, so family virtue comes to spouses over time and due to their spiritual labors. A marriage based only on earthly feelings, affections, common interests and sympathies is easily destroyed over time. What makes a family strong and indestructible? Psychologists, sociologists and other scientists can give hundreds of answers to this question and give a lot of advice. The Church considers divine grace to be the guarantee of the indissolubility and strength of the marriage union. God must enter the life of the family and the family must become a small Church. The Christian family becomes a container of divine love, it accumulates this love, spreads the fragrance of this holy feeling around itself, attracting other families, sanctifying those near and far. Let us remember that St. Seraphim of Sarov said: “Acquire a peaceful spirit and thousands of people around you will be saved.” It would be fair to complement the thought of the great saint: “Acquire a peaceful spirit in your family and thousands of families will be saved next to yours.” The family was created by God as a source of love and creative power for all humanity. This is a school of love, a school of piety, a school of human happiness. It is in the family that a person learns basic norms of behavior and value guidelines, receives moral education and joins the spiritual tradition of his people.” From the sermon of Metropolitan Alexander.