Состоялось заседание Епархиального совета Астанайской и Алма-Атинской епархии
Глава Православной Церкви Казахстана посетил частное учебное заведение – гимназию во имя преподобного Сергия Радонежского в городе Петропавловске
В столице Казахстана митрополит Александр провел рабочую встречу с епископом Усть-Каменогорским и Семипалатинским Амфилохием
Управляющий делами Православной Церкви Казахстана возглавил престольные торжества в Михаило-Архангельском соборе города Каскелен
Metropolitan Alexander met with the chief Imam of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan in Pavlodar region

November 13, 2022. Pavlodar. During his visit to the Pavlodar diocese, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan met with the authorized Imam of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan in Pavlodar region, chief Imam of the regional central mosque "Mashkhur Zhusip" Zholdas Kospakovich Bertymuratov.

By the invitation of Zholdas Kospakovich, the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan visited the regional central mosque of the city of Pavlodar.

The meeting was attended by the Archbishop of Pavlodar and Ekibastuz Varnava.

The representative of the SAMK told Metropolitan Alexander about the life of Muslims in Pavlodar region and the work of the central mosque, named after the famous Kazakh poet, thinker and historian Mashkhur Zhusup. The metropolitan took a tour of the mosque, which includes in addition to prayer halls, a madrasah, a museum of Islamic culture, a library, a marriage hall and a dining room.

Metropolitan Alexander shared with the Imam his impressions of the visit to Pavlodar, which is carried out as part of the program of celebration in the dioceses of Kazakhstan of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Turkestan diocese. The hierarch emphasized that the President of the Republic K.-J.K. Tokayev, who called the Metropolitan District a worthy successor to the Turkestan diocese, which "conducts active educational and social activities, promotes traditional spiritual and moral values, as well as progressive development of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional dialogue."

During the conversation, it was noted that in Kazakhstan Muslims and Orthodox Christians live and work together for the good of the country, together testify to enduring moral principles, instill patriotism in their children and grandchildren, call representatives of different nationalities and cultures to peace and brotherly love. According to mutual opinion, the centuries-old traditions of Islam, the Hanafi madhhab and Orthodoxy are an integral part of the richest cultural and spiritual heritage of multinational Kazakhstan.

Metropolitan Alexander expressed hope for good cooperation between the Pavlodar diocese of the Metropolitan district and the Pavlodar branch of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Kazakhstan.

The hierarch answered the questions of the regional Muslim information channel.

In memory of the meeting, which was held in a friendly atmosphere, the Head of the Metropolitan District presented J.K. Bertymuratov books about Orthodoxy in Kazakhstan. Vladyka was presented with a picture depicting a city landscape.