Состоялась встреча Главы Православной Церкви Казахстана с акимом Абайской области Н.Т. Уранхаевым
Завершилось пребывание мощей блаженной Матроны Московской в Карагандинской епархии. Святыне поклонилось более 60 тысяч человек
В канун праздника Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы Глава Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа совершил всенощное бдение в Софийском соборе Алма-Аты
Министр информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан поздравил митрополита Александра с 10-летием служения на Казахстанской земле
Metropolitan Alexander congratulated the head of the office of the Alma-Ata diocesan administration on her birthday anniversary

January 17, 2024. Alma-Ata. At the spiritual, cultural and administrative center of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan named after Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov), Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan congratulated the head of the office of the Alma-Ata diocesan administration T.M. Sokolova on her birthday.

The event was attended by: Secretary of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District, Honored Artist of Russia, member of the Patriarchal Council for the Development of Russian Church Singing O.N. Ovchinnikov, head of the personal secretariat of the metropolitan, Hieromonk Prokhor (Endovitsky), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, head of the cultural department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District L.E. Goricheva, personal assistant to Metropolitan P.V. Sokolov; employees of the Alma-Ata diocesan administration.

In consideration of the labors incurred and in connection with the significant date of her birth, the hierarch awarded Mother Tatiana the high award of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District - the Order of the Reverend Confessor Sebastian of Karaganda.

Honoring the hero of the day, the Head of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District said: “With gratitude I would like to note your work for the benefit of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District. For a number of years you have been working within the walls of the Alma-Ata diocesan administration, responsibly fulfilling the obedience entrusted to you. Diligence, hard work, dedication and fidelity to your work, as well as the ability to work with a team, have earned you respect from the management and employees of the diocesan administration. The Lord has endowed you with singing talent. For many years you were a singer in the bishop's choir of the Kostroma diocese and now you work in the choir of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District under the direction of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Oleg Nikolaevich Ovchinnikov. Coming from a family of a clergyman and also being the wife of a priest, you carefully preserve and pass on to your children the traditions of Orthodox piety. On this significant day of celebration for you, I wish you that the gifts of the Holy Spirit will increase in your heart: “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness” (Gal. 5:22).”

The archpastor wished the head of the office strength of mental and physical strength, diligence in carrying out obediences and many good years of life.