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Митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в новопостроенной верхней церкви Богоявленского храма города Алма-Аты
Nun Antonia (Groznaya) reposed in the Lord

On January 30, 2024, at the 76th year of her life, the reader of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in the city of Chimkent, nun Antonia (Groznaya), reposed in the Lord.

For many years, Mother Antonia was the first assistant of the ever-memorable Archbishop Eleutherius (Kozorez) (+ 2021), who ruled the Chimkent diocese for three decades and served as secretary-referent. The deceased was distinguished by her love of worship, sincerity, friendliness, kind attitude towards people, mercy and compassion.

With the blessing of Bishop Chrysanf of Chimkent and Turkestan, Archpriest Evgeniy Glushchenko, cleric of the St. Nicholas Cathedral, performed a funeral litany for the newly departed.

Nun Antonia (in the world Elena Mikhailovna Groznaya) was born on May 29, 1948 in the city of Zolochev, Lviv region. After graduating from high school in 1966, she entered Lviv State University to study journalism. In 1974 she moved to Shymkent. She worked in the regional Radio Committee, the newspaper “Southern Kazakhstan” and the Chimkent branch of the Bagdar Information Agency. On March 27, 1998, Bishop Eleutherius of Chimkent and Akmola was tonsured a monk with the name Anthony in honor of St. Anthony the Great. From 1998 to 2021, she served as secretary-referent of the Chimkent diocese.

The funeral service for nun Antonia will take place on February 1 at the St. Nicholas Cathedral in Chimkent at 13:00. The service will be performed by Bishop Chrysanthus of Chimkent and Turkestan.