Архиепископ Петропавловский и Булаевский Владимир принял участие во встрече руководителей религиозных объединений Казахстана
Состоялась встреча Президента Республики Казахстан Н.А. Назарбаева и митрополита Астанайского и Казахстанского Александра
В день памяти великомученицы Параскевы Пятницы митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Александро-Невском храме Алма-Аты
Троицкая родительская суббота. Митрополит Александр совершил Литургию и поминовение усопших в храме Христа Спасителя города Алма-Аты
Metropolitan Alexander congratulated the head of the cultural department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District on her birthday anniversary

February 6, 2024. Alma-Ata. At the spiritual, cultural and administrative center of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan named after Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov), Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan congratulated on her birthday anniversary the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, head of the cultural department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District L.E. Goricheva.

The event was attended by: Secretary of the Metropolitan District, Honored Artist of Russia, member of the Patriarchal Council for the Development of Russian Church Singing O.N. Ovchinnikov; acting rector of the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary, head of the information and publishing department of the Metropolitan District, Archpriest Evgeny Ivanov; the head of the personal secretariat of the Metropolitan, Hieromonk Prokhor (Endovitsky), the head of the administrative secretariat of the Head of the Metropolitan District, Priest Georgy Sidorov, the head of the Metropolitan Protocol Service, Protodeacon Roman Golovin, employees of the Alma-Ata diocesan administration.

In consideration of educational works on Kazakhstan soil and in connection with the significant date of her birth, the hierarch awarded Larisa Egorovna an award from the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan - the Order of Archbishop Zephaniah (Sokolsky), the first hierarch of the Turkestan diocese and the Apostle of Semirechye.

Presenting the church sign of attention, Metropolitan Alexander, in particular, noted: “A talented musician and an experienced teacher, over the years of devoted service to music, you have made a great contribution to the development of culture and art. The singing groups you lead have repeatedly become laureates of international competitions. Diligence, high professionalism, hard work and responsibility have deservedly earned you the respect and recognition of colleagues, students and many grateful listeners. Now you are the head of the cultural department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District. With your active participation, a number of spiritual, cultural and educational projects are being implemented. May the All-merciful Lord send you “the incomparable riches of his grace” (Eph. 2:7) and strengthen you in all your labors and endeavors.”

The archpastor presented L.A. Goricheva bouquet of flowers, wishing her health, strength of mental and physical strength, peace, prosperity and new creative successes.