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A concert of the Russian folk music ensemble “Pozagorodami” took place in Zharkent

February 25, 2024. Zharkent. With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, a concert of the ensemble “Pozagorodami” took place at the House of Culture of the Panfilov district.

The event was organized by the parish activists of the church in the name of the prophet of God Elijah, headed by the rector, Priest Dimitry Kaplin, with the support of the akimat of the Panfilov district, headed by akim M.R. Sagymbek.

Over 130 people, residents of the city and neighboring villages, became guests of the musical festival.

The Pozagorodami ensemble (St. Petersburg) performs Russian traditional village music - songs, choruses, dance tunes, spiritual poems. Relying strictly on folklore recordings, the musicians adapt them for the modern listener. The members of the group are: Anastasia Statsenko - one of the few musicians in Russia (perhaps the only one in Kazakhstan) who plays the helmet-shaped gusli at a high level; Dmitry Solomin – harp, winged harp and wind folk instruments; Vadim Vainshtein – small and large viola (viola da gamba); Mila Plastun - vocals.

The concert featured works of folk and sacred music: “The Lady,” “In the Garden, in the Vegetable Garden...”, “Tanyusha,” the Lenten folk anthem “Have You Lived a Soul,” “In the Tomsk Province,” the Easter tune “Christ is Risen” ", epics and folk tunes.

In addition to performing musical compositions, members of the creative team talked about their instruments, the history of the works and Russian folklore, also performed a traditional round dance together with the audience.

At the end of the evening, Priest Dimitry Kaplin, on behalf of all those present, thanked the musicians and also presented them with certificates of gratitude from the district akimat.

At the end of the event, a group photo was taken.