Митрополит Александр удостоен высокой награды Украинской Православной Церкви
Митрополит Александр возглавил торжества в честь Боголюбской иконы Божией Матери в Успенской Тетеринской пустыни Костромской митрополии
В воскресный день, отмеченный памятью великомученицы Параскевы-Пятницы, митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в храме Представительства Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа
Почила о Господе одна из старейших насельниц Иверско-Серафимовского монастыря Алма-Аты схимонахиня Евдокия (Лащилина)
A branch of the “Union of Orthodox Women” has been created in the Alma-Ata diocese

March 16, 2024. An international scientific and practical conference “Traditional family values in the modern world” was held in the throne room of the spiritual, cultural and administrative center of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District named after St. Joseph (Chernov).

As part of the forum, a discussion took place of the administrative structure of the Union of Orthodox Women in the southern capital. An organization uniting active Orthodox women - wives of clergy, employees and parishioners of churches of the Alma-Ata diocese - was created in 2023 on the initiative of the Head of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District. Its main goals and priority areas of activity are: popularization of a healthy lifestyle; solving problems for the development of spiritual and moral education of children and youth; implementation of charitable projects aimed at preserving traditional family values; organization of assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the population. The “Union of Orthodox Women” as an international organization was created in November 2010 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. Today it is the largest Orthodox women's organization, numbering about 23 thousand women, which is represented in various CIS countries.

The event was moderated by the vicar of the Astana diocese, Bishop Claudian of Taldykorgan.

Opening the meeting, the hierarch noted that the work of the “Union of Orthodox Women” should be carried out in accordance with the Fundamentals of the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church. The vicar of the Astana diocese announced to those present the decree of the Head of the Metropolitan District on the appointment of the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, head of the cultural department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District L.E. Gorichev as chairman of the regional branch of the SPG. Next, the participants of the event elected members of the organization's board.

During the meeting, a report was made by the co-chairman of the international organization, chairman of the regional branch of the Union of Orthodox Women in Moscow, member of the board of the Life as a Miracle charity foundation N.V. Dmitrievskaya.

Upon completion of the formation of the administrative structure, members of the women's council outlined a further work plan and summed up the results of the conference.