Митрополит Александр провел рабочее совещание по вопросам строительства паломнического центра Иверско-Серафимовского монастыря Алма-Аты
В канун праздника Введения во храм Божией Матери митрополит Александр совершил всенощное бдение в старейшем храме столицы Казахстана
Глава Митрополичьего округа встретился с гостями, прибывшими на празднование 25-летия учреждения Астанайской и Алма-Атинской епархии
Состоялось рабочее совещание участников международного исследовательского проекта «Туркестанская Голгофа»
The IX Easter Cuisine Festival took place in the southern capital

On May 12, 2024, on the 2nd week of Easter, Antipascha Day, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, the IX Easter Cuisine Festival took place on the cathedral square in front of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Almaty.

Teams from churches in the southern capital and Alma-Ata region took part in the culinary forum.

The event was attended by: Archimandrite Gabriel (Tutberidze), head of the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Kazakhstan M.S. Simakova, representative of the Russian House E. Avdeeva and employees of the Russian diplomatic mission.

The festival was supervised by Archpriest Igor Svetlichny of the St. Nicholas Church and Deacon Ioann Churkin, cleric of the St. Nicholas Church.

During the event, a varied Easter menu was presented: Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, dishes from vegetables, cereals, fruits, flour, as well as cold appetizers and main courses prepared from meat, fish, poultry and seafood.

Everyone had the opportunity to try various quick foods, learn recipes and cooking secrets, and communicate with culinary experts.

Members of the jury, headed by Father Igor, evaluated the participants in eleven categories. After summing up the winners were announced:

• culinary specialists of the parish in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Assuage my sorrows” in the village of Panfilov, Alma-Ata region – 1st place;
• team of cooks from the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Almaty – 2nd place;
• culinary specialists of the Iversko-Seraphim convent of the Southern capital – III place.

At the end of the festival, Deacon John and M.S. Simakov congratulated the forum participants on Easter and presented them with certificates and memorable gifts.