«Человек веры и человек Церкви». Статья митрополита Астанайского и Казахстанского Александра о приснопамятном митрополите Хрисанфе (Чепиле)
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Participants of the II international scientific conference “Philosophy of Religion in the East and West” were awarded church awards

May 17, 2024. Alma-Ata. In the spiritual, cultural and administrative center of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District named after Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov), a meeting was held between Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan with delegates of the II international scientific conference “Philosophy of Religion in the East and West”.

Participants in communication with the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan were leading scientists who made a significant contribution to the organization of work in the field of theology, philosophy and philosophical theology. Among the guests: the head of the department of Russian and Byzantine philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy of John Paul II in Krakow, Professor Sister Teresa Obolevich; Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Russian State Humanitarian University of Moscow S.A. Konacheva; Doctor of Philosophy, Professor and Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the Theological Faculty of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University of the Russian capital K.M. Antonov; Rector of the Moscow Biblical and Theological Institute of St. Apostle Andrew A.E. Bodrov.

The meeting was attended by: Secretary of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District, Honored Artist of Russia, Director of the Metropolitan Choir O.N. Ovchinnikov; acting Rector of the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary, head of the information department of the Metropolitan District, Archpriest Evgeny Ivanov; Vice-Rector for Educational Work of the Alma-Ata Seminary, Priest John Livinsky; Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Priest Peter Bakhtiyarov; Vice-Rector for Research, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences A.P. Soloviev; head of the Metropolitan's personal secretariat, Hieromonk Prokhor (Endovitsky); Assistant to the Head of the Metropolitan District, Priest Georgy Sidorov; head of the protocol service, Protodeacon Roman Golovin; employees of the Alma-Ata Seminary.

Welcoming the guests, Metropolitan Alexander thanked them for their visit to Alma-Ata and participation in the II International Scientific Conference “Philosophy of Religion in the East and West” - a significant educational event organized in the southern capital on the bright Easter days. The archpastor highly appreciated the scientific and educational activities of the Russian State University for the Humanities, St. Tikhon's University for the Humanities, the Biblical and Theological Institute of St. Andrew the Apostle and the Pontifical University in Krakow, noting the importance of these authoritative platforms for conducting academic, interfaith and civil dialogue.

The hierarch told scientists about the life of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, separately highlighting the topic of educational work in the Metropolitan District.

In recognition of the work for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church on Kazakhstani soil, the bishop presented the representatives of the scientific intelligentsia with anniversary medals “150 years of the Turkestan diocese.”

At the end of the conversation, the meeting participants exchanged good wishes and memorable gifts.