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Митрополит Александр ознакомился со строительством духовно-просветительского центра Костанайской епархии
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The III international scientific and theological conference “Timonov's Readings” was held in Kostanay

On June 3, 2024, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, the III international scientific and theological conference “Timonov’s Readings” was held in Kostanay.

This forum is the first scientific and practical project of the Kostanay diocese, aimed at developing spiritual and educational activities.

The work of the conference was headed by the secretary of the diocese, Hieromonk Gennady (Burdyuzha) and the head of the department for the canonization of saints, priest Andrei Krutin.

The following people took part in the “Timonov Readings”: diocesan clergy, representatives of the scientific intelligentsia of Kazakhstan and Russia, employees of the regional museum of local lore and the regional library, public figures, and the media.

The guest of the event was the head of the department for religious affairs of the akimat of the Kostanay region, Erlan Olzhabaevich Temyonov.

Opening the forum, Hieromonk Gennady (Burdyuzha) congratulated those present on the start of the Readings, noting the historical and spiritual significance of the event. The pastor announced an appeal from the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan to the organizers and participants of the conference.

“Currently, a serious challenge to the moral health of society is the distortion and falsification of history and the spread of pseudo-values, which contradict the centuries-old spiritual traditions of our people and have a destructive effect on the minds and hearts of people, especially the younger generation. Therefore, today, more than ever, the consolidation of the clergy and scientists, government officials and creative intelligentsia is necessary - it is necessary to unite all healthy social forces in order to form the correct cultural and information space as opposed to pseudoculture and pseudoscience. We have a lot of work ahead, dear fathers, brothers and sisters. May our Lord Jesus Christ, who by His resurrection has reborn us to a living hope (1 Pet. 1:3), strengthen our strength so that you and I can proclaim the truth at all times and in all places where the Lord determines for us to live and work” - It was said, in particular, in the word of Metropolitan Alexander.

Those present were greeted by the head of the Department of Religious Affairs E.O. Temyonov.

Presentations were made by: Secretary of the Commission of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District for the Canonization of Saints, cleric of the Peter and Paul Diocese, Priest Mikhail Berezin; historian L.V. Kulikova (Simbirsk diocese, Russia) and employee of the department for the canonization of saints of the Kostanay diocese A. Zhevakina.

The conference ended with the presentation of a photo exhibition telling about the history of Orthodoxy in Kostanay land. The card materials presented at the exhibition, found in one of the largest archives in St. Petersburg, aroused keen interest among those gathered.

After the presentation, Hieromonk Gennady (Burdyuzha) thanked the conference participants for the work done, emphasizing the importance of interaction between the diocese and Kostanay museums, libraries and public organizations. On behalf of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, Father Gennady presented church signs of attention to the clergy, employees of the diocese and guests participating in the forum.