Восьмая годовщина преставления митрополита Вятского и Слободского Хрисанфа (Чепиля)
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VI Детско-юношеский фестиваль земли Семиречья стартовал в Алма-Ате
 Глава Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа передал частицу мощей мученика Валентина Доростольского для храма ракетно-космической корпорации «Энергия»
A meeting took place between the Bishop of Ural and Atyrau Vianor and the Akim of the Atyrau region S.Zh. Shapkenov

June 14, 2024. Atyrau. In the regional akimat, a meeting was held between the Bishop of Ural and Atyrau Vianor and the akim of the Atyrau region, Serik Zhambulovich Shapkenov.

The meeting, together with employees of the regional administration, was attended by: the rector of the Assumption Cathedral of the city of Atyrau, Archpriest Alexander Kozulev, the dean of the Priural Church District, Archpriest Vasily Kroitor and the cleric of the Assumption Cathedral of the city of Atyrau, Priest Mikhail Sokolov.

The head of the region congratulated Bishop Vianor on his assumption of the post of administrator of the Ural diocese. Serik Zhambulovich noted that over the past years he had developed a warm relationship with the bishop’s predecessor, Archbishop Anthony (Moskalenko).

During the conversation, the importance of continuing and strengthening the dialogue between government authorities and representatives of traditional faiths was noted.

The archpastor told the akim about his life path and service in Kazakhstan, shared his good impressions of meeting the clergy and flock of the Ural diocese and announced plans for the development of various aspects of church life.

The interlocutors especially noted the need to carry out joint work on the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation and to unite the efforts of representatives of Islam and Orthodoxy for this purpose.

The meeting took place in a friendly and trusting atmosphere; The parties exchanged mutual wishes for health and success in business and memorable gifts.