В Покровскую родительскую субботу митрополит Александр совершил поминовение усопших в храме Представительства Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа
В праздник Обрезания Господня и день памяти святителя Василия Великого митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в Адриано-Наталиевском храме поселка Отеген батыр
В Акмолинской области завершил работу скаутский лагерь «Бурабай 2023»
Праздник Радоницы в алма-атинском храме во имя равноапостольного князя Владимира
Greetings from Metropolitan Alexander on the occasion of the 675th anniversary of the birth and 580th anniversary of the death of St. Macarius of Unzhensky

Your Eminence, dear Vladyka Ferapont!
Your Eminence, dear Vladyka Alexy!
Very honorable fathers, brothers and sisters!

Today, on the ancient land of Kostroma, a solemn celebration of jubilee dates is taking place, which turns our mental gaze to the life, exploits and miracles of one of the great saints of the Russian Orthodox Church - St. Macarius of Unzhensky and Zheltovodsky. "God-created vessel of the Holy Spirit, gold-bearing all-bright luminary of the Russian land" - this is how this great ascetic and luminary of faith is called in liturgical hymns.

"Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith" (Heb. 13:7), - the Apostle Paul instructs us. 580 years have passed since the death of the venerable elder, but time has not erased his memory among the Orthodox people, has not cooled his veneration, and we, guided by the words of the supreme apostle, continue to praise the works of Abba Macarius and reverently call upon his name in prayer. "Such is the power of virtue: it does not yield to time, does not fade with the passage of days," says St. John Chrysostom.

Saint Macarius began his monastic life in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the Ascension Pechersky Monastery under the guidance of the abbot of the monastery, Saint Dionysius, the future Saint of Suzdal. He took lessons in prayer from his God-wise mentor, learned humility and virtuous life. Later, through the labors and prayers of Saint Macarius, two monastic monasteries were founded within the Nizhny Novgorod region. For his patience and meekness, mercy and love for God-contemplation, the Lord rewarded him with the gifts of insight and miracles, and the ability to heal mental and physical ailments. The most faithful word of Holy Scripture came true through the example of his life: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14-15). Reverend Macarius had to live in tragic times – the Fatherland was under foreign rule, and fraternal blood was shed in internecine strife. Persecuted by enemies, the 90-year-old elder, together with his disciples and spiritual children, was forced to leave his native lands. Having made a difficult journey, he arrived on the banks of the Unzha River, where he founded a new, third monastery. Thus, in the distant 15th century, the Kostroma land found a new prayer book and intercessor before the Throne of the Almighty. In the monastery he founded in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity, the saint found his final resting place. According to chroniclers, pilgrims from all over Rus' began to flock here to the shrine with his honest relics, as to a life-giving spring; peasants and merchants, hierarchs and rulers came to bow to the saint and receive his gracious help. Saint Macarius began to be revered by the Orthodox people as a deliverer of captives and a defender of the oppressed. Over time, the modest monastery on the Unzha River turned into one of the most famous monasteries in Russia and became known as the "Lavra of Saint Macarius". The revolutionary upheavals of the last century, which caused unprecedented trials for our country, did not bypass the ancient monastery of Saint Macarius. The monastery shared the sad fate of many churches and monasteries of Holy Rus', was closed and desecrated. By the grace of God, the shackles of militant atheism fell, and the Trinity Monastery on the Unzha rose from the ruins, and the lamp of monastic prayer was lit here again. The Lord gave me the blessed opportunity to become the initiator and participant of this sacred work. Exactly 30 years ago, the entire ensemble of monastery buildings was transferred to the Kostroma diocese, and in August 1994, we, together with a host of clergy, consecrated the first restored monastery church – the Makaryevskaya Church. At present, the development of monastic work continues in the Holy Trinity Makaryev-Unzhensky Monastery. May God grant that through the diligent labors and prayers of Bishop Alexy and the brethren, the zeal of benefactors, and the efforts of parishioners and pilgrims, the ancient monastery will become, as in former times, a significant spiritual and educational center of the Galich diocese and the entire Kostroma region. When we read the lines of the life of the Venerable Makary Unzhensky, his face appears before us, shining with the unfading light of the Heavenly Kingdom. In our age, when people often seek comfort, avoid spiritual exploits, forget about meekness and humility, strive for superiority over their neighbors, it is important to remember more often the clear and truthful image of the holy ascetic, since every Christian is called, first of all, to care for the Heavenly, for the only thing needful (Luke 10:42), and through the acquisition of virtues to prepare for a meeting with eternity. We must strive to acquire that love for God and neighbors, that meekness, gentleness and diligence that were shown to us by the saints. Abba Macarius did not leave any written works to his descendants. His main legacy is a life completely dedicated to God and people. His words, brought to us by pious tradition, now sound like the spiritual testament of the saint: “Do not grieve, children. If we accept with gratitude the earthly punishments sent by God, then we will be honored by Him with future blessings.” 580 years have passed since the earthly feat of the Venerable Macarius ended, but his glory will not fade and will never be dimmed, for the righteous live forever (Wis. 5:15). Worshiping the honorable relics of our venerable and God-bearing father Macarius, from the depths of our souls let us turn to him with prayer that he send down upon us the blessing of God, quenching sorrows, ending disasters, drying tears, healing illnesses and, most importantly, strengthening us on the Christian path, “they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Through the intercession of the Venerable Macarius of Unzhensky and Zheltovodsky and the intercession of all the saints who shone forth in the land of Kostroma, may the Lord grant us all His gracious help and increase in our hearts the living and sincere faith that works through love (Gal. 5:6).


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