Митрополит Астанайский и Казахстанский Александр освятил новое здание духовно-административного центра Усть-Каменогорской епархии
Посол Японии в Казахстане награжден медалью преподобноисповедника Севастиана Карагандинского
Крестопоклонное воскресенье Великого поста. Митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в храме Представительства Митрополичьего округа в Москве
Секретарю Казахстанского Митрополичьего округа, Заслуженному деятелю искусств России О.Н. Овчинникову вручена высокая государственная награда – орден «Достык»
Metropolitan Alexander attended a children's party in the "Tales of the Peoples of Kazakhstan" park

August 31, 2024. Almaty. After the Divine Liturgy in the Kazan Cathedral, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, a children's party was held in the "Tales of the Peoples of Kazakhstan" park to mark the beginning of the school year.

The event was organized by the Apostol public foundation headed by President G.G. Sosnovsky and the Department of Culture of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District.

The event was attended by Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan.

The participants of the party were: vicars of the Astana diocese - Bishop Claudian of Taldykorgan and Bishop Veniamin of Talgar; dean of the churches of Almaty, rector of the St. Nicholas Cathedral, Archpriest Valery Zakharov; the key keeper of the Nativity of Christ Cathedral, Archpriest Alexander Gaichenya, the key keeper of the Kazan Cathedral in Alma-Ata, Priest Georgy Rublinsky, the clergy of the Alma-Ata Diocese; the head of the public foundation "Apostol" G.G. Sosnovsky, teachers and pupils of Sunday schools, students of comprehensive schools and secular educational institutions of Alma-Ata, parishioners of the church, activists of the Orthodox volunteer movement "Seraphim". Before the beginning of the event, the Head of the Metropolitan District addressed those present with a word of greeting. "A person should always keep in his heart the joy of this first meeting with God, remember the power that drew him to church services, those deep, serious feelings that first arose when reading the Holy Scriptures, conscious Confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Everything that a person acquires in his youth – skills, knowledge, habits, abilities – will remain with him forever, becoming part of the inner core of his soul. My dears, never forget – God is very close to you, and therefore, in some difficult life circumstances, boldly turn to the Lord, and He will help you. Treat your comrades, teachers and mentors with kindness and respect. I wish you all a joyful mood, God's help, health, peace of mind, and to the educators and employees – strength and fortitude. May the unfading blessed light of Christ illuminate all of us on the paths of life,” the Metropolitan said, in particular, addressing those present.

As part of the holiday, numerous children and teenagers of different ages took part in competitions, contests and quizzes organized by professional animators. All who wished took a master class in painting pictures.

Everyone was offered a treat - pastries and hot tea from a samovar.

Metropolitan Alexander talked with the guests of the park and the organizers of the celebration. His Eminence wished the children the fulfillment of good hopes and a joyful mood.

The president of the public foundation "Apostol" G.G. Sosnovsky personally took a significant part in the organization and holding of the event.

Thematic children's park "Tales of the Peoples of Kazakhstan" is dedicated to the folklore heritage of the ethnic groups inhabiting the Republic. The initiator of the creation of the site was the president of the public foundation "Apostol" G.G. Sosnovsky. Work on the improvement of the park began in January 2023. A special feature of the park is the presence of sculptural fairy-tale heroes of the peoples of the "Great Steppe" and the residence of Santa Claus (St. Nicholas the Wonderworker), where master classes and educational events for children and their parents are held. A real garden of culture and recreation is located on the territory of the park; In summer it is a green oasis of coniferous and deciduous trees, flowering shrubs, a rose garden, flower beds and a fountain near a pond with “golden” fish.