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A Christmas master class organized by the Union of Orthodox Women of Kazakhstan was held in Almaty

On November 30, 2023, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, a master class “Christmas Toy” was held at the Alma-Ata Theological Seminary, dedicated to the holiday of peace and God’s love - the Nativity of Christ.

The event, held as part of the “Give Good” charity project, was held by the “Union of Orthodox Women of Kazakhstan.” An organization uniting active Orthodox women - wives of clergy, employees and parishioners of churches of the Alma-Ata diocese - was created in 2023 on the initiative of the Head of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District. Its main goals and priority areas of activity are: popularization of a healthy lifestyle; solving problems for the development of spiritual and moral education of children and youth; implementation of charitable projects aimed at preserving traditional family values; organization of assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the population.

Before the start of the master class, Chairman of the Union of Orthodox Women of Kazakhstan, Head of the Culture Department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District L.E. Goricheva made opening remarks. Larisa Egorovna noted the importance of this meeting and spoke about the events planned for 2024.

Next, the Secretary of the Commission for Youth Affairs of the Metropolitan District E. Zvonar, who is a professional designer, conducted a creative lesson. Using a presentation, Ekaterina Vasilievna shared with those present professional life hacks for decorating a home for Christmas using simple improvised means. After this, the master class participants began making holiday toys. E. Zvonar demonstrated a high level of utilitarian and applied skills, introducing the audience to the traditions of Orthodox culture.

The toys created during the event are planned to be donated to the Give Good charity Christmas fair, the funds from which will be used to help those in need.

At the end of the event, L.E. Goricheva thanked everyone present and wished them success in their good endeavors.