Митрополит Александр встретился с Генеральным консулом Франции
Духовные торжества, посвященные 50-летию преставления преподобноисповедника Севастиана Карагандинского, состоялись в Алма-Ате
В Алма-Ате молитвенно почтили память преподобномучеников Серафима и Феогноста
В зале церковных собраний при Никольском соборе Алма-Аты состоялось открытие выставки, посвященной преподобноисповеднику Севастиану Карагандинскому
A meeting took place between the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan and the Akim of Astana Zh.M. Kasymbek

January 15, 2024. Astana. The city akimat hosted a meeting between the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan and the akim of the capital, Zhenis Makhmudovich Kasymbek.

The dean of the Astana church district, Archimandrite Sergius (Karamyshev), took part in the meeting.

The archpastor told Zhenis Makhmudovich about current events in the life of the Astana diocese and the capital's deanery district, noting the large attendance of churches by residents of the capital on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ.

The head of the capital's executive power shared with Metropolitan Alexander information on the implementation of the master plan for the development of the capital, which according to the President of the country K.-J.K. Tokayev “should be the flagship of radical reforms aimed at building a Just Kazakhstan.”

During the conversation, issues of interaction between the Astana diocese of the Metropolitan District and the administration of Astana were considered.

One of the significant topics of the meeting was the construction in the capital of a spiritual, cultural and educational center with a temple in honor of All Saints who shone in the land of Kazakhstan. The hierarch emphasized that the project received the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' and the approval of the head of state. It was noted that the educational center and Orthodox church created in the capital of the country, along with the newly built complex of the central mosque - the largest in the Republic, will become a visible embodiment of the spiritual strength of the people of Kazakhstan, their unity and loyalty to their historical and cultural heritage.

The head of the Metropolitan District informed Zhenis Makhmudovich that this year will mark 170 years since the founding of the oldest church in the capital - the Cathedral of Constantine and Helena, which is the spiritual and cultural pearl of Astana, an architectural monument of republican significance.

At the end of the meeting, which took place in a friendly atmosphere, the parties exchanged wishes for health and success in their work.