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A meeting of leaders of religious associations dedicated to Gratitude Day took place in Petropavlovsk

March 1, 2024. Petropavlovsk. A meeting of leaders of religious associations of the North Kazakhstan region dedicated to Gratitude Day was held in the building of the diocesan administration of the Petropavlovsk diocese.

The meeting was organized by the head of the Department of Religious Affairs of the North Kazakhstan region, R. I. Kasenova.

The event was attended by: Archbishop of Petropavlovsk and Bulaevsk Vladimir, secretary of the diocesan administration Archpriest Sergius, rector of the Church of the Holy Martyr Methodius of Petropavlovsk Priest Mikhail Berezin, cleric of the Church of All Saints Priest Anthony Shuvakin, representatives of religious associations of Petropavlovsk.

During the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the importance of interfaith peace and harmony in Kazakhstan, the significant role of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions held in the country was noted. In a friendly conversation, those gathered drew attention to the importance of the unity of all faiths of our state in serving the Motherland and neighbor.

At the end of the meeting, a festive concert was held, prepared by pupils of Petropavlovsk Sunday schools.