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The best students of the church singing school “Tsevnitsa” were awarded

June 22, 2024. Alma-Ata. In the chamber hall of the Sunday school at the Ascension Cathedral, the best students of the Tsevnitsa church singing school were awarded.

The event was attended by: the sacristan of the Ascension Cathedral, the head of the Metropolitan District’s public relations department, Archpriest Alexander Suvorov; the director of the Sunday school of the Ascension Cathedral, Archpriest Alexander Ievlev, members of the teaching staff and students.

For their hard work and active participation in competitions and olympiads, the best students received certificates and memorable prizes from the keymaster of the main cathedral of the southern capital.

Archpriest Alexander expressed gratitude to the teachers of the creative team for the worthy education of the younger generation.

On behalf of the rector of the Ascension Cathedral, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, Natalya Olegovna Golovina, the head of the choir of the church singing school “Tsevnitsa” and Irina Viktorovna Bykova a teacher for the preparation of church readers, were awarded letters of gratitude.

At the end of the event, the school’s spiritual mentors reminded students how important it is to pay attention to spiritual life and develop their creative abilities during the learning process, also wished them further success in the field of church singing art.