Рождество Господа и Бога и Спаса нашего Иисуса Христа. Митрополит Александр возглавил праздничную Литургию в Вознесенском соборе Южной столицы
Церковный историк А.И. Мраморнов выступил в Нур-Султане с лекцией о деятельности Поместного Собора 1917-1918 гг.
Объявлены победители теннисного и шахматного турниров VI детско-юношеского фестиваля земли Семиречья
В пятницу Светлой седмицы митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в алма-атинском храме в честь Собора Пресвятой Богородицы
On the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Seraphim and Theognost, Bishop Veniamin led the celebrations at the site of the exploits and martyrdom of the holy hieromonks

August 11, 2024 is the day of remembrance of the heavenly patrons of Almaty and all of Kazakhstan - the holy martyrs hieromonks Seraphim (Bogoslovsky) and Theognost (Pivovarov).

With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, Bishop Veniamin of Talgar, Vicar of the Astana Diocese, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Seraphim-Theognost Monastery in the Aksai Gorge - the site of the monastic exploits and martyrdom of the holy hieromonks.

His Grace was assisted by: the rector of the Seraphim-Theognost Monastery, Hegumen Tryphon (Pechkovsky); Clergyman of the Ascension Cathedral in Almaty, confessor of the Almaty diocese Archimandrite John (Sazonov); Clergyman of the monastery Hegumen Seraphim (Nikishin); Clergyman of the Church of the Archangel Miracle Metochion of the Seraphim-Feognost Hermitage Hieromonk Iakinf (Katan); Rector of the Xenievsky Parish in the city of Konayev Hieromonk Pimen (Tkachenko); Clergymen of the diocesan churches. The deacon rank was led by Hierodeacon Afanasy (Kozel).

The liturgical chants were performed by the choir under the direction of E. Skorova.

Despite the difficulties of the ascent to the skete, located high in the mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau, many pilgrims from Kazakhstan, Russia and Kyrgyzstan gathered for the celebrations in honor of the patronal feast.

At the funeral litany, prayers were said for the repose of the ever-memorable saints of the land of Kazakhstan, the builders, donors and beautifiers of the monastery and for all Orthodox Christians of Kazakhstan who lived and died in faith and piety.

At the end of the service, a glorification of the holy martyrs took place.

Bishop Veniamin congratulated the believers on the day of remembrance of Saints Seraphim and Theognost and addressed the congregation with a sermon on the life and martyrdom of the righteous Aksai.